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Draft: Refactor of Polynomial Protocol - Fixes #167

Miguel Ambrona requested to merge miguel@PP into master

Marked as "Draft" because the (new) plan is to merge this branch after Meta-Plonk.


  • Simplify the code of PP, having a better abstraction that does involve g_map nor the proof sub-indices (all that is a matter of main_protocol).
  • Get rid of v_map, improvements on how evaluation points are passed.
  • Have an API that allows for optimization tricks at the identity level. Namely, identities are now functions (this allowed us to get rid of Multi-variate polynomials too) and all the complexity about proof indices is now handled in the gates, which will allow us (in a near future) to, e.g. optimize things like computing ql * (sum_i alpha^i * a_i) instead of \sum_i ql * alpha^i * a_i.

Regression tests by running dune exec tx-rollup/test/main.exe test Bench, average over 3 executions:


prepare: Time:  2.01 s  Allocations 3.85 GB MaxHeap: 39.45 MB
setup : Time:  2.91 s  Allocations 137.02 MB MaxHeap: ?
prove : Time:  4.37 s  Allocations 123.51 MB MaxHeap: ?
verify: Time:  2.34 ms Allocations 562.28 KB MaxHeap: ?

this branch:

prepare: Time:  2.02 s  Allocations 3.85 GB MaxHeap: 39.45 MB
setup : Time:  2.33 s  Allocations 59.85 MB MaxHeap: ?
prove : Time:  3.61 s  Allocations 15.99 MB MaxHeap: ?
verify: Time:  2.25 ms Allocations 247.46 KB MaxHeap: ?
Edited by Miguel Ambrona

Merge request reports