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Draft: Do not use ctypes

Danny Willems requested to merge do-not-use-ctypes into master

This is a version of the blst binding without ctypes. It gives better performance for the scalar field operations, around 20-25%. For the others primitives, the allocation is too small to give a significant improvement.

It also allows more granularity at a lower level. The code is verbose on purpose. The code could be simplified by using preprocessor directive like for the custom blocks boilerplate or for G1/G2 primitives.

We could add a lower



dune exec ./benchmark/bench_fr.exe
Estimated testing time 1m40s (10 benchmarks x 10s). Change using '-quota'.
│ Name              │     Time/Run │    mWd/Run │ mjWd/Run │ Prom/Run │ Percentage │
│ Addition Fr       │      81.38ns │     18.00w │          │          │      0.05% │
│ Multiplication Fr │      97.13ns │     18.00w │          │          │      0.06% │
│ Opposite Fr       │      79.46ns │     18.00w │          │          │      0.05% │
│ Substraction Fr   │      77.91ns │     18.00w │          │          │      0.05% │
│ Square Fr         │      93.35ns │     18.00w │          │          │      0.06% │
│ Inverse Fr        │   2_290.31ns │     76.00w │          │          │      1.48% │
│ Pow Fr            │ 154_402.28ns │ 27_686.63w │  115.29w │  115.29w │    100.00% │
│ Double Fr         │      91.12ns │     18.00w │          │          │      0.06% │
│ of_bytes_exn Fr   │     294.60ns │     48.00w │          │          │      0.19% │
│ to_bytes Fr       │     171.43ns │     28.00w │          │          │      0.11% │


> dune exec ./benchmark/bench_fr.exe
Estimated testing time 1m40s (10 benchmarks x 10s). Change using '-quota'.
│ Name              │     Time/Run │    mWd/Run │ mjWd/Run │ Prom/Run │ Percentage │
│ Addition Fr       │      59.95ns │      3.00w │          │          │      0.05% │
│ Multiplication Fr │      78.34ns │      3.00w │          │          │      0.06% │
│ Opposite Fr       │      59.30ns │      3.00w │          │          │      0.05% │
│ Substraction Fr   │      59.85ns │      3.00w │          │          │      0.05% │
│ Square Fr         │      77.55ns │      3.00w │          │          │      0.06% │
│ Inverse Fr        │   2_365.98ns │     23.00w │          │          │      1.84% │
│ Pow Fr            │ 128_776.93ns │ 12_522.02w │   48.92w │   48.92w │    100.00% │
│ Double Fr         │      59.49ns │      3.00w │          │          │      0.05% │
│ of_bytes_exn Fr   │     212.43ns │     14.00w │          │          │      0.16% │
│ to_bytes Fr       │     120.60ns │      9.00w │          │          │      0.09% │

Benchmarks in other libraries:

> dune exec ./benches/bench_poseidon_orchard.exe
Estimated testing time 10s (1 benchmarks x 10s). Change using '-quota'.
│ Name                                                                                     │ Time/Run │ mWd/Run │ mjWd/Run │ Prom/Run │ Percentage │
│ Benchmark one permutation of Poseidon from Orchard with blst backend on an input of 3 el │ 168.14us │ 29.39kw │   13.94w │   13.94w │    100.00% │
│ ement                                                                                    │          │         │          │          │            │


> dune exec ./benches/bench_poseidon_orchard.exe
Estimated testing time 10s (1 benchmarks x 10s). Change using '-quota'.
│ Name                                                                                     │ Time/Run │ mWd/Run │ mjWd/Run │ Prom/Run │ Percentage │
│ Benchmark one permutation of Poseidon from Orchard with blst backend on an input of 3 el │ 115.90us │  4.91kw │    1.60w │    1.60w │    100.00% │
│ ement                                                                                    │          │         │          │          │            │

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