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  • Pierre DAVID's avatar
    Database schema internationalization, step 1 · 038bcc5f
    Pierre DAVID authored
    Translate database schema (table and column names)
    into English.
    Step 1:
    - translate the dns.domain (old: dns.domaine) table
        and column names
    - translate domain parameter in CGI forms and %...% holes
    - provides the infrastructure to ease such modifications:
        - database creation is splitted into 4 files:
    	.../lib/sql22/schema-main.sql: create schema and tables
    	    for all schemas but the MAC schema
    	.../lib/sql22/schema-mac.sql: create MAC schema and tables
    	.../lib/sql22/functions.sql: create all functions
    	.../lib/sql22/triggers.sql: create all triggers
        - links in .../lib/*.sql are provided such as netmagis-dbcreate
    	can call  these files
        - the upgrade script (.../share/exampes/upgrade/21-22/upgrade.sql)
    	destroys functions and triggers, then upgrades tables and
    	finally calls the .../lib/sql22/{functions,triggers}.sql files
        => this way, the function/trigger creation logic is located in only
    	one place (and the table creation logic is in a single file,
    	not mixed with the netmagis-dbcreate shell programm)
    While we are here, fix a few translations in