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  • Alexander Aring's avatar
    dlm: add dlm_bursttest module · 1f0afa93
    Alexander Aring authored
    This patch adds a testcase for DLM to create one million locks at module
    load time and unlock them at the module unload time. It generates a
    burst of lock/unlock requests and you could observe e.g. slabinfo or
    networking connection about where the bottlenecks are regarding
    performance or memory usage.
    There is a module parameter cluster_name to tell which cluster to join
    but DLM has some own strategy to join the first cluster if this
    parameter isn't given. So just load the module with:
    modprobe dlm_bursttest
    on all nodes and wait until it's done, try to observe kernel log,
    slabinfo, etc.
    Then unload it with:
    rmmod dlm_bursttest
    to see how everything gets cleaned up by unlock all locks.
    Signed-off-by: Alexander Aring's avatarAlexander Aring <>