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Improves build of traefik images and publishes each image on version number

Joep Vermaat requested to merge build-traefik-images into main

Fixes: #2 (closed),,

This MR changes the way the traefik docker image is build and published. The old way only build a specific version which was set in the Dockerfile and was centrally changed every once in a while. This could cause potential problems. This MR builds and publishes an array of different traefik version and when succesful publishes each of these in the image registry.

At the moment it is set in the VERSIONS variable in the .gitlab-ci.yml file:

  • v2.9
  • v2.10
  • v3.0
  • latest

All these refer to the versions build and managed at the official docker hub repository:

Each of these are pulled daily and given an automated update and upgrade. After which they are vulnerability tested and if succesful published to the registry.

Functional test

  • See that the pipeline builds, checks and publishes these images
  • See in the Container registry of this project that the images are pushed and tagged (search for v2 or v3 or latest)

At the moment these are al prefixed with build_. Only the main branch uses tags without that prefix. This will happen as soon as this branch is merged.

Edited by Huub Nijs

Merge request reports