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  • Daphne Shaw's avatar
    Currently, mutt uses the OpenPGP key algorithm to determine the · e1ab1a1d
    Daphne Shaw authored
    capabilities of the key.  For example, in mutt, a key of type 1 (RSA)
    can both encrypt & sign.  This is not correct as per OpenPGP, however,
    where the capabilities of the key are determined by both the algorithm
    and key capability flags that are set on the key.  This can lead to
    user confusion when their RSA encrypt-only or sign-only key is listed
    for both signing and encryption in mutt.
    GnuPG lists these flags in key listings, so it is easy to take
    advantage of them.  Here is a patch to use the flags, as well as
    provide the flags in pgpring.  Note that the pgp+pgpring users won't
    see any change since the flags there are based on the key algorithm as
    they are now, but the GnuPG users will see an improvement.