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  • Martin Schreiber's avatar
    * Optimised assistiveserver speak path function. · 2f24fc22
    Martin Schreiber authored
    + espeakoptionty eso_speakonidle.
    + tpointerlist.add(const values: ppointer; const acount: int32)
    * tdropdownlist.dokeydown() checks singlekeyshiftstatesmask only.
    * tdropdownlist.getassistiveparent() returns ownerwidget.
    * tdropdownlist does not select for shifted key_return.
    * tcustomedit.settext() checks focused and eo_showfocused for des_emptytext.
    + assistiveflagty asf_mainwindow.
    + events: tcustomeventqueue).
    * twindow.internalactivate() calls checkapplicationactive().