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  • Paul Melnikow's avatar
    Generate index.html only on gh-pages when deploying · cca46b7e
    Paul Melnikow authored and Thaddée Tyl's avatar Thaddée Tyl committed
    - Build index.html at deploy time
    - Update corresponding documentation references
    - Since index.html is untracked, git add needs -f
    - Clarify gh-pages generated commit message
    - Improve Makefile dependencies related to website generation
    As discussed in #936, tracking the index.html causes makes PRs longer / noisier
    and causes extra merge conflicts. More importantly, it causes contributors to
    inadvertently edit the wrong file, which causes extra work (#949) or
    contributions to be lost (#898).
    Since there's no need for index.html in development (everything uses try.html) a
    logical solution is to generate and commit the index.html at deploy time.
    Recording compiled or generated files in a deploy commit is a reasonable
    practice for git-based deploys (Heroku, gh-pages, and others).
    The old version of this was slightly "unsafe" for my taste, in that it depended
    on the local copy of gh-pages (if it existed) and master. The new version just
    replaces gh-pages with master + the new commit.
    Closes #936.
    Fixes #954 (the PR).
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