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[#52] [#54] Use RPC directly and add batching in morley-nettest


Currently real network implementation of nettest uses tezos-client for nearly everything. But for many things tezos-client just sends HTTP requests to tezos-node. In !198 (merged) Haskell bindings for Tezos RPC have been added, so we can send HTTP requests directly. So it would be nice to use them directly, rather than reimplementing what we exactly have through tezos-client. Note that signing operations still uses tezos binary as the only possible solution for it. Also tezos RPC API supports batch operations which also needs to be implemented here.

A little roadmap:

  • Add batching of transactions.
  • Fix parsers (mutez and output block hash in operation inclusion).
  • Nettest cli.
  • Overridable default configs.
  • Note how I prefix names in Origination and Transaction.
  • Update documentation.
  • Update README and usageDoc.

Related issue(s)

Resolves #52 (closed) #54 (closed)

Checklist for your Merge Request

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  • Tests (see short guidelines)

    • If I added new functionality, I added tests covering it.
    • If I fixed a bug, I added a regression test to prevent the bug from silently reappearing again.
  • Documentation

    • I checked whether I should update the docs and did so if necessary:
    • I updated changelog files of all affected packages released to Hackage if my changes are externally visible.

Stylistic guide (mandatory)

Edited by Anton Myasnikov

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