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  • DMozhevitin's avatar
    [#641] Add unresolved TODOs checks to danger · 96329fe7
    DMozhevitin authored and Dmitriy Mozhevitin's avatar Dmitriy Mozhevitin committed
    Problem: Sometimes we left such TODOs, which either depend on
    the current MR or other tasks or MRs:
    -- TODO replace it with X after [#9999] is finished
    -- TODO (this MR) uncomment line below
    but their resolving isn't checking anywhere and can be missed.
    Solution: Added appropriate check to `danger`. It gets current
    issue id (both gitlab and YT) from MR body (namely, from "Resolves #X"
    line) and looking for TODOs related to this issue and current MR in
    repository. If some MR doesn't resolve any issue, then only those TODOs
    related to the MR itself are searched for.