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  • Pinto Pasquale's avatar
    [#12] rename Contract to ContractCode · e4fb9296
    Pinto Pasquale authored
    Problem: Both in (typed) Morley and Lorentz `Contract` is used as the
    name of a contract's code. However a contract also has more, for
    instance annotations for parameter and storage (see `FullContract`).
    Solution: As advised in the issue, the solution is split in two parts:
    - rename `Contract` to `ContractCode`
    - rename `FullContract` to `Contract`
    This solves the first part of the problem and renames both the typed
    Morley's and Lorent's `Contract` to `ContractCode`.
    Additionally `convertContract` and `printTypedContract` also have been
    renamed because their `FullContract` counterparts already exists and
    those will be renamed to these ones.