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Slice efh surf before takeoff fixes #66

The calculate_efh() function should only calculate the EFH of surfaces with values after the takeoff point. This should be created with proper unit test.

Adding the notes from meeting:

  • Check that x is monotonic

Let x_L = the leftmost distance point in the surface given by user, x_R = the rightmost "..", and X_0 be the x-coord takeoff point.

  • If X_0 < x_L the takeoff angle has to be greater than the slope between the takeoff point to the first surface point
  • If x_L < X_0 < x_R, X_0 has to be above the surface
  • If X_0 > x_R, NO
  • Throw a warning if the speed for efh calculation is greater than 100mph.
Edited by Bryn Cloud

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