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Split app into design and analysis pages

Bryn Cloud requested to merge bryncloud/skijumpdesign:multipageapp-v1 into master

Here is a file of test data to use on the multi-page app. The takeoff angle is 25 degrees.


I am keeping a list here so you can see what I have gotten to when you review. Feel free to add.

To Do

Home page

  • Make the navigation bar collapse
  • Change the navbar menu to dark

Analysis page

  • Write up initial markdown text
  • If user uploads a format that doesn't work needs to display error on the page
  • Download button of EFH
  • User testing (What happens in cases a letter is input? Or a decimal? etc)
  • Compute button should work with default values in the 3 input boxes.
  • Decrease the width of the data table showing input data. Column widths should only be as wide as the column header text.
  • Move legend into the grayed area of the figure.
  • Make sure tick labels are visible and readable on background image.

EFH Function

  • Change the efh function to take in a takeoff point and slice all data before the takeoff point
  • Change to 0.5 m x increments for jumps that are greater than 20 m from take off and 0.2 m x increments for jumps between 0 and 20 m from takeoff.
  • Truncate any jumps that are greater than 40 m in the x direction from takeoff point, only calculate efh for 0-40m regardless of jump length input.


  • Fix json str/byte error on loading of analysis page.

Due next Friday 3/29

  • Blog post for the quarter about skiing
Edited by Jason Moore

Merge request reports