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WIP: Resolve "Display a progress bar when uploading contents"

Implements a progress bar when uploading contents. It uses jquery-fileupload-rails gem with the basic setup to accomplish it.

Because of it, the form has to be submitted via JS, so the controller has some changes too.

The progress bar is on the bottom of the page (so the user can see it after clicking on the submit button).

The downside is that the progress bar only tracks progress of the file upload to the server. After creating the content, paperclip needs to send it to S3 for storage. The time paperclip spend doing that is not accounted, so the progress bar will be complete but the user may have to wait a few moments before the redirect.

I've marked the MR as WIP because I want to make sure both of you ( @rafamanzo and @marcheing ) review this one.

Closes #95 (moved)

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