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Remove old modals and reimplement using bottom sheets or screens #4423

Martin Santangelo requested to merge chore/replace-modals into develop

Ticket(s) / Related Merge Requests


Summary of Changes

Despite I wasn't able to reproduce the issue almost all the components that are using the react-native-modal package are old and most of them should be using the new bottom sheets options/menus

On this MR I did the following refactors:

  • Remove the Selector component and refactor the components using the SelectorV2 (Bottom sheet)
  • Refactor and clean up the post Translate component using SelectorV2
  • Refactor the share action to use bottom sheet menus
  • Refactor wallet connect modal to use a bottom sheet
  • Refactor the onboarding dismiss menu to use the bottom sheet menus/
  • Refactor the channel setup avatar picker menu with the bottom sheet menu
  • Refactor TOS Modal using a screen and fixed layout and theme issues
  • Delete unused components (BottoButtonOptions, LicensePicker, Selector, BottomModal, createBottomModalStore)

Not refactored

  • OrderReportModal used in a disabled old on-chain functionality
  • Legacy Captcha
  • WebviewModal used in a disabled old on-chain functionality
  • UserTypeAhead

Testing Considerations

We need to test the following functionalities:

  • Post translate option: Change language picker (replaced with the new bottom sheet picker)


  • Post share action menu (Only Android)


  • Onboarding "Start earning tokens" dismiss menu (3 dots icon)


  • Onboarding channel setup avatar picker menu


  • Terms of Service Modal screen (Not sure how to test it)


Regression Scope

Only refactored functionality should be affected

Platform Affected (web, mobile, etc)

Android & iOS

Developer Testing Completed

iOS simulator and android device


Does this impact

  • Localization
  • Dark/light mode
  • Guest mode
Edited by Martin Santangelo

Merge request reports