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add animated tabbar bar #4036

Manish requested to merge feat/tabbar-animated-bar-4036 into release/4.21.0

Ticket(s) / Related Merge Requests

(Any issue cards for the merge request, and related merge requests/dependencies) closes #4036 (closed)

Summary of Changes

(Summarize the changes made concisely) add animated tabbar bar

Testing Considerations

(Share which areas to focus on while testing this MR)

Regression Scope

  • tabbar

Platform Affected (web, mobile, etc)

(Which platforms are affected by this change? Web, Mobile, or Both?)

(we should change this template, this is a mobile repo it can't possibly change web)

Developer Testing Completed

(What has been tested already?)


(Any extra UI screens that can be shared)

Does this impact

  • Localization
  • Dark/light mode
  • Guest mode

Merge request reports