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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.

Other labels

  • MultiTenant
    Minds / Minds Mobile
  • Native
    Minds / Minds Mobile
  • Needs attention
    Minds / Minds Mobile
  • Use this label for bugs
  • Use this label for bugs
  • Use this label for bugs
  • Use this label for bugs
  • Use this label for bugs
  • Use this label for bugs
  • To be completed ASAP. These issues will be assigned to the currently running sprint and resolved as soon possible
  • To be assigned to the closest appropriate sprint or epic
  • To be allocated an epic where possible
  • A low priority issue, potentially good for the community to tackle
  • Generally for bugs or minor changes
  • ProductAdmin
    Tasks related to the Admin products, eg. Report queues, Analytics, Boost review
  • Tasks related to data, reports, visualization, insights and metrics