Clean Platform
The Clean Platform is a general purpose collection of libraries to supplement the Clean Standard Environment. To increase maintainability and readability, these libraries follow a strict coding style guideline. This guideline can be found in the file STANDARDS.txt and on the Clean Wiki. A listing of the conceived API the Clean Platform will provide can be found in the file API.txt
More information about this project can be found on the Clean Wiki:
All original modules are provided under the same license as the Clean System, the Simplified BSD License (2-clause BSD License, see LICENSE).
Some modules were ported from Haskell and they are provided the compatible Haskell's 3-clause BSD license (see LICENSE.BSD3).
- Control.Arrow
- Control.Category
- Data.Foldable
- Data.Heap
- Data.Map
- Data.Traversable
- Data.Tree
- Data.IntSet.Base
- Text.URI
- Data.Integer (interface only)
- Text.Unicode.Encodings.UTF8
- System.GetOpt