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Message footer button pro

Ben requested to merge feat/message-button-pro into master


Closes #2303 (closed)

Adding a message button to pro footer.

Steps to test

  1. Log in with a pro user (if you don't have one go-to the channel as admin and click the briefcase badge)

  2. Go to replace nemofin with your user guid

  3. Enter

  4. Save

  5. Visit

  6. Click the message button on the bottom footer. It should if you are still logged in show an alert that you cannot message yourself.

  7. Log out, go back to the page, click the button again. It should redirect to login

  8. Log into another account, click the button, it should let you message the pro user.

Estimated Regression Scope

This change moves some logic from the message button on a channel when you are subscribed, to a new service, so it touches that, and also the main pro component.

Edited by Ben

Merge request reports