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Uninstantiated observable in Sockets #2489

Ben requested to merge fix/sockets-rxjs-handling-errors-2489 into master


Closes #2489 (closed)

Fixes an issue when the user is disconnected from the sockets server, before the error$ BehaviorSubject is instantiated in the connect hook.

Steps to test

  1. Log in
  2. Open a comment thread or make a new one
  3. 2 choices: a. Set browser to offline mode, error message should show up and disapear when you reconnect (note if that fails, try B. It fails in my browser but works for others) b. Manually take the review site down for this MR, check the message comes up and disapears correctly and there are no errors in console.

Estimated Regression Scope

This change performs a minor refactor to all socket comms on the site.

Edited by Ben

Merge request reports