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Wallet token onboarding and settings

Olivia Madrid requested to merge token-onboarding-2331 into epic/wallet-80

See epic &80 (closed) for links to all mockups.

As a disclaimer, this is not intended to be a final draft. There are all sorts of things that need to be cleaned up, there's no need to spend time communicating them to me at this juncture - please assume I am aware of the obvious glitches.

What's inside

Most of the new stuff in here is related to token onboarding #2331 (closed). I've successfully gone through the onboarding steps (phone verification + on-chain address setup) locally.

You'll also see lots of things that are 🚧 under construction 🚧, either because I haven't gotten to it yet or because the UX mockups have been in a state of flux. Here are my issues on the UX board.

Issues that have been started and for various reasons are less 'complete' than token onboarding include:

Testing twilio

To test the phone verification step in the token onboarding process locally, you need to make some backend changes.

  • in settings.php,
$CONFIG->set('twilio', [
  'account_sid' => '',//get this from Mark
  'auth_token' => '',//get this from Mark
  'from' => '+15005550006' // use this exact number
  • in Core/Rewards/Join.php, go to the verify() function
    • directly after this line (around 116): $code = $this->twofactor->getCode($secret);, add error_log($code)
    • comment this line (around 120): throw new \Exception('voip phones not allowed');
    • now when you enter almost any phone number in token onboarding, the corresponding verification code will appear in your php logs. Use it to complete the phone verification step. Note: the handful of phone numbers that won't work are the magic 'To' numbers listed in Twilio's test credential docs.

Testing with fake data

Because of staging limitations you may wish to play around with fake data locally to see what's going on with various currency balances. To populate the fake data, in modules/wallet/v2/dashboard.service.ts uncomment line 79 (this.wallet = fakeData.wallet;).

@eiennohi sorry in advance

Edited by Olivia Madrid

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