- Add referrals console page with copyable links, social share buttons, explanatory text, and dashboard table that display's current user's referrals
- Dashboard columns: Prospect (user), Status (pending/complete), Minds signup date, rewards signup date
- Pending referrals have not joined rewards program yet, so dashboard displays ping button if referral is pending
- Clicking ping button will trigger a notification sent to prospect to tell them that they should join rewards
- Referrer must wait 7 days before they can send another ping
- Notifications are automatically sent to referrers when they get a new pending referral and when the referral is complete (i.e. they joined rewards)
- Some social share buttons are shown conditionally dependent on device type. Fb Messenger and Whatsapp buttons shown only on mobile/tablet, SMS shown only on mobile. Twitter/Facebook/Email displayed on all devices.
- Change all referrals-related icons to the same material icon: 'people'
- Add links to referrals modal in topbar user menu, newsfeed sidebar, settings sidebar
- Update link to referrals page in wallet sidebar
- Increase referral contribution score multiplier to +50, and award both prospect and referrer
- add isMobileOrTablet helper fx
- Update register page design so it's consistent with homepage/has a video background
- Disable signup-on-scroll modal on register page with referrer param
- Redirect to newsfeed if you try to go to the register page when logged in
- Fix broken redirect to newsfeed after signing up on register page so you don't end up on register page after onboarding flow
- Some minor style changes in related components (re: colors of an edit pencil, modal close button, button outline color, phone# input border radius)
Closes:#1531 (closed), #1522 (closed), #1521 (closed), #1520 (closed), #1519 (closed), #1518 (closed), #1517 (closed), #1510 (closed), #1509 (closed), #1508 (closed), #1480 (closed), #1432 (closed)
Edited by Olivia Madrid