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Migrate Zendesk links over to Chatwoot minds#4639

Ben requested to merge feat/chatwoot-migration-m4639 into master

Ticket(s) / Related Merge Requests

minds#4639 (closed)


Migrate Zendesk links over to Chatwoot

Testing Considerations

Note: Prior to minds#4650 (closed) being completed, the links except for DMCA will STILL go to Zendesk - the difference is they will route to the base URL, which we are going to point at Chatwoot in minds#4650 (closed).

  • DMCA link in report modal goes to /p/dmca.
  • Help option in topbar user avatar menu will go to
  • Help option in sidebar more menu will go to

Deployment Considerations

Not essential but I would recommend quickly doing minds#4650 (closed) before release as this WILL BREAK the Zendesk auth flow. With that said our help traffic now goes through Chatwoot anyway, so this may not be a huge issue.

Regression Scope

Minor; changes helpdesk links to point to base support domain, and DMCA link to point at the DMCA auxiliary page (/p/dmca).

Platform Affected (web, mobile, etc)


Developer Testing Completed

Manual, unit (jasmine/karma).

Screenshots / Screen Recording


Does this impact

  • Localization
  • Dark/light mode
  • Guest mode

Definition of Done Checklist

  • The Acceptance Criteria has been met
  • Code is tested: Testing includes unit/spec, E2E/automated and manual testing
  • Merge requests description has been filled out
Edited by Ben

Merge request reports