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[Front] Support for network price tiers on product pages minds#4395

Ben requested to merge feat/more-prod-tiers-m4395 into master

Ticket(s) / Related Merge Requests

Summary of Changes

Support for network tiers and pricing cards in Strapi.

Testing Considerations

These pages are entirely CMS driven so this change does not concern itself with the content of the pages beyond the scope outline below. The pages are not yet designed so the text used is all filler and only relevant components have been used. Any questions just ask.

  • Go to /about/test-networks - pricing matches that of the issue card when yearly/annual are selected.
  • Table both collapsed on mobile web and uncollapsed displays correct prices and updates when selector for time period is changed.
  • /about/upgrades networks price on pricing card is starting at $50/month

Deployment Considerations

Make sure to merge helm and update Strapi. Ping @markryansallee when this is sent to staging.

@markryansallee as for building the tiers should become available - prices are driven my config - I updated the guide and added a comment to the new field I added to add a priceStartingAt to the table header.

@tanyatech this has no reason to hold up an env push providing there are no regressions to existing pages pricing sections or cards like /about/upgrades on staging. Building out a page with this network table for prod may take longer than we want to hold the pipelines up, and until we've done that, these changes don't do much.

Regression Scope

Product page pricing.

Platform Affected (web, mobile, etc)


Developer Testing Completed

Manual, unit tests (karma/jasmine).

Screenshots / Screen Recording

Upgrades page


Network pricing cards annually


Network pricing cards monthly


Table annually


Table monthly


Does this impact

  • Localization
  • Dark/light mode
  • Guest mode

Definition of Done Checklist

  • The Acceptance Criteria has been met
  • Code is tested: Testing includes unit/spec, E2E/automated and manual testing
  • Merge requests description has been filled out
Edited by Ben

Merge request reports