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Show group banned notice minds#4291

Olivia Madrid requested to merge fix/export-group-banned-m4291 into master

Ticket(s) / Related Merge Requests


Summary of Changes

  • When a user has been banned from a group, they no longer see the group membership button (e.g. the one saying "Join Group") when they go to that group's page.

  • If the group is closed (thereby feed is only visible to members), the banned user will see a notice informing them that they've been banned

  • BONUS: noticed during testing that a group page doesn't refresh if you login from that page, so now it does.

Testing Considerations

Groups, groups from perspective of banned users

Deployment Considerations

Regression Scope

Groups, groups with banned users

Platform Affected (web, mobile, etc)


Developer Testing Completed

  • Banned user notice appears for banned users of closed groups
  • Join button doesn't appear if you can't join the group b/c you're banned
  • Group feed refreshes on login (so a group member logging in to a closed group from that group page doesn't have to refresh to see the feed)

Screenshots / Screen Recording



Does this impact

  • Localization
  • Dark/light mode
  • Guest mode

Definition of Done Checklist

  • The Acceptance Criteria has been met
  • Code is tested: Testing includes unit/spec, E2E/automated and manual testing
  • Merge requests description has been filled out
Edited by Olivia Madrid

Merge request reports