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[front] Plus and Pro Gifts Cards minds#4302

Ben requested to merge feat/upgrade-gifts-m4302 into master

Ticket(s) / Related Merge Requests

Summary of Changes

Testing Considerations

Note this was was run through visually with @chints98 and he is happy with the implementation of the designs. There may be some deviations in places as designs changed during the development process. If unsure please DM me.

Also note that upgrade amounts are from the server - sometimes they are not correct in the designs.

Gift Balance Page
  • Card colours are correctly matching designs (colours approved by Chai). If you want to test other cards, you will need to manually create gift cards via GraphQL unless you have any accounts with them already, or any old emails lying around.
Send Page
  • Cards are present and match designs
  • Balances at the top are in the correct order (Boost, Minds+, Minds Pro) if you have multiple balances.
Buy Plus Gift
  • Text is all correct for a Plus gift
  • When buying a Plus Gift where you send to self, only you get an email
  • When buying a Plus Gift where you send to a recipient, both you and the recipient get an email
Buy Pro Gift
  • Text is all correct for a Pro gift
  • When buying a Pro Gift where you send to self, only you get an email
  • When buying a Pro Gift where you send to a recipient, both you and the recipient get an email
Issuer Email
  • Receipt is included on issuer email
  • Matches Designs
  • Amounts and time-spans are correctly reflected relative to what you chose when sending the gift card.
Recipient Email
  • Text correctly reflects Plus/Pro (not much changed here).
Claim screen
  • Text is correct and matches designs
  • Username is present of the sender on the gift card
Claim success screen
  • Text is correct relevant to the Gift Card type that you claimed.
  • Redeem credits now button opens purchase modal
Purchase modal
  • Content is correct and matches designs
  • Gift balance is auto-selected
  • The actual purchasing will NOT YET WORK as it's pending other changes. We need to test this flow as a whole following the merge of this and minds#4311 (closed).
  • Note if you already HAVE Plus - it cannot be stacked right now so you wont be able to press buy - this will be handled by minds#4312 (closed)
Existing wire modals
  • Check designs are updated and text is appropriate and NOT gift text.
Existing upgrade modals
  • Check designs are updated, text is not gift text and text is appropriate for the type of upgrade you are purchasing.
Feat flag
  • On - you see the send tab in the credits section of the wallet.
  • Off - you DO NOT see the send tab in the credits section of the wallet.

Deployment Considerations

Standard deployment.

Ensure feature flag is set appropriately for the desired envs: minds-4302-gift-card-purchase

Regression Scope

  • All upgrade and wire modals.
  • Gift card redemption and claim flow.
  • Gift card purchase.

Platform Affected (web, mobile, etc)


Developer Testing Completed

Manual, unit (karma/jasmine & phpspec)

Screenshots / Screen Recording

Gift Balance Page



Send Page


Buy Plus Gift


Buy Pro Gift


Issuer Email





Recipient Email



Claim screen, claim success screen and purchase modal



Existing wire modals


Existing upgrade modals



Feat flag



Does this impact

  • Localization
  • Dark/light mode
  • Guest mode

Definition of Done Checklist

  • The Acceptance Criteria has been met
  • Code is tested: Testing includes unit/spec, E2E/automated and manual testing
  • Merge requests description has been filled out
Edited by Ben

Merge request reports