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Discovery on register experiment #5214

Olivia Madrid requested to merge feat/disco-exp-5214 into master


We want to create a new experiment. When new users register from the homepage '/', half of them should be redirected to the newsfeed and the other half should be redirected to /discovery/top.

We also want to shut down the previous discovery homepage experiment.

Closes #5214 (closed)

Steps to test

  • Growthbook experiment discovery-redirect should be enabled

  • At each of these 3 locations: homepage topbar, homepage join now button, /registe -- register new users until you can verify that both variations of the experiment are working (at least one of the new users should go to newsfeed, and at least one should go to discovery/top).

  • Register a new user from another page (e.g. an activity post) and the verify that they are redirected back to that page (and not the newsfeed or discovery/top)

(Steps to demonstrate merge achieves goal) (Include any platform specific directions)

Estimated Regression Scope

  • Unusual register redirects
Edited by Olivia Madrid

Merge request reports