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Resolve local phpspec container errors #2270

Ticket(s) / Related Merge Requests

#2270 (closed)

Summary of Changes

  1. Updated ENTRYPOINT instruction for the minds/phpspec Dockerfile to include sh command.
  2. Upgraded parent image for minds/phpspec to use minds/php:8.0.

Testing Considerations

As I stated in my issue, I didn't find any references to the minds/phpspec image outside of the local Minds CLI. However, I would appreciate feedback on this in case that I missed anything or if for any reason this container is not safe to upgrade to 8.0.

Regression Scope

As far as I can tell this should only affect the local development experience when running minds phpspec.

Platform Affected (web, mobile, etc)

Web/Developer tools (Engine).

Developer Testing Completed

I built and tested the container from my fork with these commands (this assumes you've configured a MINDSROOT env variable as outlined here):

# Build
# From the root of the engine repo:
docker build -t minds/phpspec -f ./containers/phpspec/Dockerfile $MINDSROOT/engine

# Execute tests
docker run \
  -v $MINDSROOT/front/:/var/www/Minds/front \
  -v $MINDSROOT/engine/:/var/www/Minds/engine \
  -v keys:/.dev \

I also tested adding my fork as a remote to the main Minds repository and running the tests through the Minds CLI:

cd $MINDSROOT/engine && git remote add zackwy # Using SSH here
git fetch zackwy
git checkout zackwy/fix/local-phpspec-container-errors-2270
minds rebuild && minds phpspec



Does this impact

  • Localization
  • Dark/light mode
  • Guest mode
Edited by Zack Wynne

Merge request reports