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Migrate withdrawals to standalone web3 service

Ben requested to merge feat/minds-web3-service into master



Summary of Changes

Migrates existing withdraw flow over to a new express service. This MR handles the connection of the web to the new service.

Testing Considerations

Changes withdrawal approval to use a new service. To check its working, you will need to:

  1. Create a withdrawal request with a test user for 1 token.
  2. As admin, manually push it through in the users remote withdraw console by hitting "Force Confirm";user=nemofin (replace with your username)
  3. For bonus points, watch the logs of web3-server-6975c998b6-4nxw7 to ensure when you do the next step, the service is called.
  4. In the main withdrawal console, approve it. It should work - if you have the logs open, check the logs output
  5. Check your wallet and ensure the token arrived in the ERC20 Tokens tab on Etherscan. (replace with your own wallet address)
  6. To really test hard, make a few withdrawals and accept them all as quickly as you can - attempting to cause a conflict where on prod, one of the tx's would fail.

Look at the contract link on Etherscan and ensure the newly generated TXs are both visible, and when clicking on the txid / hash, that the created that the nonces incremented properly (nonce can be seem below).


Regression Scope

Withdrawal approval.

Platform Affected (web, mobile, etc)


Developer Testing Completed

Spec and manual tests.



Localization Implemented?

  • Yes
  • No / N/A

Dark mode / Light mode compatible?

  • Yes
  • No / N/A
Edited by Ben

Merge request reports