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Fix mapping exception, subscribed feed timestamp filter, and fallback for mobile

Martin Santangelo requested to merge fix/timestamp-filters-maping-exception into master

We basically have 3 different problems here

  1. The API logic has changed for the timestamp filters so this is causing an issue with the mobile portrait feed
  2. Inconsistency in params: For the subscribed feed we are expecting the to_timestamp and the from_timestamp in seconds and milliseconds respectively.
  3. I noticed that if we don't send the sync=1 parameter the endpoint throws a 500 error for the subscribed feed. It seems to be a problem casting the entities because it's trying to access a protected property.

In this MR:

  1. I added a fallback for mobile in order to filter using only the to_timestamp like it was working before
  2. I removed the * 1000 for the to_timestamp param if it is not using the fallback (in order to spect both parameters in milliseconds)
  3. I added a __get to the FeedSyncEntity to be able to access the properties from the outside but not to change them. (Please check if this is what we want/need)

closes #2047 (closed)

Edited by Martin Santangelo

Merge request reports