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Implement YouTube SDK

Marcelo Rivera requested to merge feat/implement-yt-sdk into epic/youtube-migrator-130


API for importing videos from YouTube

Closes #1415 (closed) #1417 (closed)


  • api/v3/media/youtube-importer/account (GET): used when a user tries to connect to his YouTube channel
  • api/v3/media/youtube-importer/account (DELETE): used when a user tries to disconnect from his YouTube channel
  • api/v3/media/youtube-importer/account/redirect (GET): automatically called once you log in to YouTube and authorize Minds to use this.
  • api/v3/media/youtube-importer/videos: retrieves a list of videos (more on this endpoint later)
  • api/v3/media/youtube-importer/videos/import (POST): imports a video
  • api/v3/media/youtube-importer/subscribe (POST): subscribes to push notifications for a given YouTube channel. If a new video is uploaded to that channel, we should automatically download it.
  • api/v3/media/youtube-importer/subscribe (DELETE): unsubscribes from push notifications for a given YouTube channel.
  • api/v3/media/youtube-importer/hook (GET): gets called by the push notification when something in a subscribed channel gets updated

Setting it up

  • Create a new credential in the Google Developers Console
  • Make sure to verify it, otherwise the user will get prompted that it's not verified.
  • You need to request an access token with an authorization code and set these up: helm-charts!38 (merged)

Registering your channel

  • Call api/v3/media/youtube-importer/oauth. This endpoint will return a url field which you must redirect to
  • Go through Google's sign in and it will automatically redirect you to Minds. After this, that youtube channel ID will be associated with your user

Disconnecting from your YouTube channel

Endpoint: api/v3/media/youtube-importer/account (DELETE) Params:

  1. channelId

Getting a list of videos

Endpoint: api/v3/media/youtube-importer/videos (GET) Params:

  • channelId
  • status (optional). Possible values: queued, created, transcoding, failed, completed (we will probably only care about queued, transcoding and completed)

When calling it with a null status, it will query YouTube videos using their SDK. For every video returned, we will query Cassandra and see if we have an instance of Entities\Video for it, and return it inside the response. If we don't have such an instance, we will return raw YouTube data. On the other hand, if you do specify a status, it will only query Cassandra for videos.

Importing a video

Endpoint: api/v3/media/youtube-importer/videos/import (POST) Params:

  • channelId (youtube channel ID)
  • videoId (youtube video ID)

channelId is verified against the registered channels in the User entity, as we don't allow Users to import from channels that aren't theirs. There's a limit of 10 daily videos that you can import from YouTube. The Video entity will first get saved with a transcoding_status set to queued and, if you haven't yet reached the threshold, it will automatically queue the video for transcoding. In the case you've already surpassed the threshold, there's a YouTubeImporter CLI that I set to run twice a day, that retrieves all queued videos and sends them to the Transcoding queue if the User is now below that daily limit.

Webhook ( I still need to test this one on the review site)

  • The webhook's located in api/v3/media/youtube-importer/hook.
  • We have to subscribe to push notifications for each channel we want updates from, and we only take action if there's no associated Minds video to a given YouTube video ID.
  • The user can only toggle the subscription to that channel if he has already associated it



  • api/v3/media/youtube-importer/subscribe (POST) Param:
  • channelId (youtube's channel ID)



  • api/v3/media/youtube-importer/subscribe (DELETE) Param:
  • channelId (youtube's channel ID)


We have a new runner and CLI, both called YouTubeImporter. The CLI runs twice a day, retrieves all queued videos and checks if their owners are below the daily limit. If they are below the limit, it queues those videos. Please let me know if the schedule should be changed.

Edited by Marcelo Rivera

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