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Re-send confirmation email after certain time if no action was taken by new user

Marcelo Rivera requested to merge feat/resend-confirm-email-1284 into master


There's a new CronJob that needs to be configured in kubernetes to be run daily:

  # Confirmation Email Resender
  - name: ConfirmationEmailResender
    schedule: "* * */1 * *"
      - "-c"
      - "php /var/www/Minds/engine/cli.php ConfirmationEmailResender"

This CLI runs with elasticsearch queries, getting users created between midnight today and midnight yesterday, which haven't confirmed their emails


This task is for re-sending an email a day after the user registered, only in case the user didn't confirm his email during that period. We run a daily cronjob that queries elasticsearch for newly unconfirmed users and tries to re-send the confirmation email.

closes #1284 (closed)


Create a user, you should receive a confirmation email (ignore it). Then wait a full day and you should receive another email

Edited by Marcelo Rivera

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