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Upgrade Unleash client and implement sync step

Emiliano Balbuena requested to merge goal/unleash-sync into production


Prevent feature flags to trigger GitLab rate limits by introducing separation of concerns and caching via Cassandra.


New schema:

CREATE TABLE minds.feature_toggles_cache (
    id text PRIMARY KEY,
    created_at timestamp,
    data text,
    stale_at timestamp

New CLI command:

php cli.php features sync 

Forever runner:

php cli.php features sync --forever

Steps to test

  • Get pods using kubectl get pods | grep 'goal-unleash-sync'
  • SSH into php-fpm one with kubectl exec -ti goal-unleash-sync-minds-app-<RANDOM ID> sh
  • Execute cd /var/www/Minds/engine && php cli.php features sync
  • Ensure there are no Exceptions outputted
  • On another terminal, get into Cassandra shell with kubectl exec -ti cassandra-0 cqlsh
  • Execute expand on; SELECT * from minds.feature_toggles_cache;
  • Ensure there are feature flag objects listed and that the dates are in the range of sync operation (watch out the timezone!)
  • Using Postman (or Firefox) go to
  • Ensure the JSON looks OK, and that features key is set and values match for sandbox environment.
  • Go to, log in an ensure the site functionality is OK.

Note: The first part of this one might be tricky for @xander-miller to test as it's a backend-only implementation change. The main concern is that critical features are turned on (media modals, etc).

Estimated Regression Scope

Everything related to feature flags.

Edited by Emiliano Balbuena

Merge request reports