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Tenant paywalls

Mark Harding requested to merge feat/tenant-paywalls-4669 into master

Ticket(s) / Related Merge Requests

minds#4669 (closed) front#6149 (closed) minds#4670 (closed)

Summary of Changes

  • Abilility to purchase memberships
  • Ability to paywall a post
  • Ability to unlock a paywalled post

Testing Considerations

Tenant network:

You will need to use the root admin user to add and remove memberships.

Logged in:
  • /memberships route redirects when a tenant network has no memberships.

  • On the first membership creation, the memberships option appears in the sidebar.

  • When the last membership, is archived, the memberships option disappears from the sidebar.

  • Test multiple cards display properly on the membership tab in UI (subtle deviations from design here have been agreed with @mwrobs)

  • I can buy a recurring membership, after doing so I see a manage plan option.

  • I can buy a one-time membership, after doing so I see a purchased button with no manage plan (as there is nothing to cancel).

  • On manage plan click, I can cancel a plan.

  • On re-clicking to manage plan after cancellation, an error will be shown via a toaster.

  • Create a post with a membership attached

  • Create a title for the post

  • Upload a thumbnail for the post

  • The post from a new owner or non admin should be locked

  • Purchase a membership and the post should be unlocked

Logged out:
  • On login from clicking a purchase button, i am navigated to buy the membership I clicked, if I do not already have it.
  • On login from clicking a purchase button, i am NOT navigated to buy the membership I clicked, if I DO already have it.
  • On register from clicking a purchase button, i am navigated to buy following onboarding.

Deployment Considerations

Apply the following schemas:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS minds_site_membership_entities (
    tenant_id int,
    entity_guid bigint,
    membership_guid  bigint,
    created_timestamp timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(),
    PRIMARY KEY (tenant_id, entity_guid, membership_guid)

ALTER TABLE minds_entities_activity
    ADD COLUMN site_membership boolean DEFAULT FALSE
    AFTER attachments;
ALTER TABLE minds_entities_activity
    ADD COLUMN paywall_thumbnail boolean DEFAULT FALSE
    AFTER site_membership;
ALTER TABLE minds_entities_activity
    ADD COLUMN link_title text DEFAULT null
    AFTER paywall_thumbnail;

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS minds_payments_config(
    stripe_customer_portal_config_id varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL

ALTER TABLE minds_entities_object_image ADD COLUMN blurhash text AFTER filename;

ALTER TABLE minds_entities_activity
    MODIFY COLUMN paywall_thumbnail JSON DEFAULT NULL;

Regression Scope

Composer related

Platform Affected (web, mobile, etc)


Developer Testing Completed

Screenshots / Screen Recording

Does this impact

  • Localization
  • Dark/light mode
  • Guest mode

Definition of Done Checklist

  • The Acceptance Criteria has been met
  • Code is tested: Testing includes unit/spec, E2E/automated and manual testing
  • Merge requests description has been filled out
Edited by Mark Harding

Merge request reports