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Feat/img to caption search #2580

Fausto Arcidiacono requested to merge feat/img-to-caption-search-e2580 into master

Ticket(s) / Related Merge Requests

#2580 (closed)

Summary of Changes

Created new Pulsar subscription to process captioned activities events and added auto_caption property to search algorithm

Testing Considerations

  • Scale down Search Indexer runner to 0 (zero)
  • Open 3 terminal windows and in each exec into the php pod feat-img-to-caption-search-e2580-minds-engine-sandbox-74bd944hp using the following command:
    kubectl exec -n default -it feat-img-to-caption-search-e2580-minds-engine-sandbox-74bd944hp -- /bin/sh
  • In the first terminal window run the following command:
    cd engine
    source /vault/secrets/env && php cli.php EventStreams --subscription "Core\\Search\\SearchIndexerSubscription"
  • In the second terminal window run the following command:
    cd engine
    source /vault/secrets/env && php cli.php EventStreams --subscription "Core\\Feeds\\Activity\\EventStreamSubscription\\CaptionedActivityEventStreamSubscription"
  • In the third terminal window run the following command:
    cd engine
    source /vault/secrets/env && php cli.php CaptionedActivities Generate --activity_urn="<activity_urn>" --guid="<image_entity_guid>" --type="image" --caption="<caption>"
  • Now go to and search for the caption you provided for the image above
  • Switch to the Latest tab and you should see the activity you captioned above

Deployment Considerations

In order for the new auto_caption property to be indexed correctly for the search algorithm we need to run the following update on the index:

Regression Scope

Platform Affected (web, mobile, etc)

Developer Testing Completed

All the screenshots below have been taken on staging following the test considerations above

Screenshots / Screen Recording





Does this impact

  • Localization
  • Dark/light mode
  • Guest mode

Definition of Done Checklist

  • The Acceptance Criteria has been met
  • Code is tested: Testing includes unit/spec, E2E/automated and manual testing
  • Merge requests description has been filled out
Edited by Fausto Arcidiacono

Merge request reports