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[engine] Experiment purge front#5964

Ben requested to merge feat/experiment-purge-f5964 into master

Ticket(s) / Related Merge Requests

Summary of Changes

Purging old experiments from the codebase along with some significantly sized modules such as the old boost module.

Testing Considerations

Experiment QA notes
channel-recommendations No longer in code already - no QA needed
engine-2272-captcha Test registration flow on web and mobile
engine-2462-cash-boosts old boosts with cash - boost module is gone so shouldn't be able to make old v2 boosts
engine-2475-onchain-boosts onchain boost option should always be present in boost v3 modal (web only)
epic-293-dynamic-boost infeed boost ads, admin console boosts (should see both), your own console boosts, boost modal opens and allows you to boost, boost feed in discovery works, the text/links of boost notifications clicks through
epic-303-boost-partners sidebar channel boost on SEP, boosts showing on channels, boost settings page having partners stuff
epic-supermind-265 supermind option in sidebar more, supermind option in composer, opening supermind settings page, supermind button on activity toolbars on newsfeed, channel, seps, navigating to supermind console
front-5392-metascraper-previews Test rich embeds
front-5645-media-quotes add attachments to quote posts (only really affects the showing of the upload button)
front-5658-owner-hydration hydrates users properly in channels etc - not sure how this is going to be QAable easily.
front-5673-quote-counts quote count appears on SEPs
front-5785-stripe-checkout when adding a new card, a little modal shows before you nav away and right after you close the Stripe window.
front-5815-metascraper-stage-2 youtube and twitter sync - not sure how to test this on sandbox realistically but if you test the metascraper flags pass, this should pass.
twitter-v2-integration minor router middleware change - if connect Twitter modal loads on accepting a twitter supermind consider it working - rest of flow does NOT work to let you connect but is completely unrelated to this change. That's just a sandbox quirk.
minds-3853-user-menu-boost boost channel option in user avatar dropdown on topbar
minds-3455-restricted-fix wallet > cash settings page has the update button if your channel has a cash account
minds-3280-discovery-boosts boosts in discovery top feed (clustered recs not working on sandbox, unsure how to test)
minds-3216-default-tags-v2 tags should be available for selection in discovery
minds-3131-onboarding-notices connect wallet notices - verify uniqueness, setup channel and join rewards - going to be tricky to test this are there's multi-day constaints on new accounts but code changes are very minor
minds-3132-post-signups No longer in code already - no QA needed
minds-3055-email-codes test email code onboarding and email change web AND MOB
Other assorted removals QA notes (some duplication from above)
iframely Test rich embed works
old emails for email confirmation We need to test that email confirmation works paying special attention to mobile.
old boost module engine Regression potential is high - a lot removed around the old Boost system.
old boost modal front Old Boost modal removed from front - make sure the new one works
old admin boost console front Old admin boost console removed from front - option shouldn't be there in admin panel
old boost console front Old boost console is gone, nav to legacy boost banner is gone
onboarding v3 widget No onboarding v3 widget

Deployment Considerations

Standard deployment, I've marked all of the experiments in Growthbook as removed HOWEVER, do not remove them without confirming whether it is safe with mobile.

Regression Scope

Significant regression scope in the areas mentioned in testing consideration and in general anywhere on the site. Treat with extreme caution and be sure to thoroughly test the onboarding flow on web and mobile.

Platform Affected (web, mobile, etc)

Web / Mobile / Engine.

Developer Testing Completed

Manual, updated many E2E and unit tests.

Screenshots / Screen Recording

engine-2272-captcha / minds-3055-email-codes

Tested on mob too but don't have a quick screen recorder for mob handy




























Does this impact

  • Localization
  • Dark/light mode
  • Guest mode

Definition of Done Checklist

  • The Acceptance Criteria has been met
  • Code is tested: Testing includes unit/spec, E2E/automated and manual testing
  • Merge requests description has been filled out
Edited by Ben

Merge request reports