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[engine] SKALE mirror and balance sync tools #2350

Ben requested to merge feat/skale-mirror-2350 into master

Ticket(s) / Related Merge Requests

Closes #2360 and #2350

Summary of Changes

  • Mirror all offchain transactions between custodial wallets on the SKALE network
  • Introduces a balance sync runner that will run periodically and output if there is a discrepancy (only checks a user once every 6 hours)
  • Provides tools for synchronizing balance.

Testing Considerations

For CLI commands - see


Wire tokens between two users - check the tokens were actually sent. See video below for a visual guide.

Withdraw Creation

Withdraw debiting happens AFTER submission as a TX moves from PENDING to PENDING_APPROVAL - on prod this happens when the TX has X amount of confirmations but on sandbox, the job listening for new withdrawals doesn't work. To test, log in as sandbox admin, and take an existing TXID 0xbce7a41dfefd3eac451de721a5dea570f3763863f90e035b668c96bdfa94004a

Input it into the "Manually add by Transaction ID" in the withdrawal console.

Go to my remote withdrawal console - hit Force Confirm.

You should see a TX moving from nemofin's wallet to the escrow wallet

Video of this process below.

Withdrawal Rejection

After doing the above, hit Reject on the withdrawal at my remote withdrawal console.

You should see a TX moving from the escrow wallet to nemofin's wallet

Video of this below

Network Boost Creation

Create a boost - you should see tokens move from your wallet to the boost escrow user

You can get your user's wallet address from the printKeys command in the CLI - see docs) - you can put the address into the block explorer to see the activity of your wallet.

Video of this process below

Network Boost Accept

When accepting a boost from the admin panel, the funds should move from the the boost escrow user, to the boost handler users wallet.

See video below

Network Boost Reject

When you reject a boost an the admin user, the funds should move from the boost escrow user, back to the users wallet that you are rejecting. To get this user wallet, you may have to use the printKeys function of the CLI.

See video below

Peer Boost Creation

To create a peer boost, make a boost offer to another channel you own. On creation, tokens should be sent from your wallet, to the the boost escrow user.

Video below

Peer Boost Accept

When accepting a peer boost, tokens should move from the the boost escrow user to the user who you are accepting the boost with - you may have to use the CLI to get the wallet address and check the explorer yourself.

Video below.

Peer Boost Reject

When rejecting a peer boost, tokens should move from the the boost escrow user BACK to the user who initially made the offer - you may have to use the CLI to get the wallet address and check the explorer yourself.

Video below.

Buy Plus / Pro

Hard to test on sandbox - you need to send yourself enough tokens on the SKALE network to buy Plus (either get them from the balance sync user, or send yourself some tokens via Metamask and use the syncOffchainBalance CLI function, then go to /plus and buy. The funds should move from your users wallet to the main Minds user.

You can repeat this for Pro.

php cli.php Skale syncOffchainBalance --username=username

Video below.


First, check everything is in sync (long operation)

php cli.php Skale syncAllSkale --dryRun

If it's not, you need to sync first, so do:

# If theres many to sync
php cli.php Skale syncAllSkale

# If there's just a few it's easier to do them one by one
php cli.php Skale syncSkaleBalance --username=nemofin 

Interpolate yesterday's date into these CQL commands and run them all in Cassandra

INSERT INTO minds.token_rewards (user_guid, reward_type, date, multiplier, payout_tx, score, token_amount, tokenomics_version) VALUES (991463054707265537, 'engagement', '2022-07-28', 1, null, 1, 1000, 2);
INSERT INTO minds.token_rewards (user_guid, reward_type, date, multiplier, payout_tx, score, token_amount, tokenomics_version) VALUES (1003026063363674113, 'engagement', '2022-07-28', 1, null, 1, 1000, 2);
INSERT INTO minds.token_rewards (user_guid, reward_type, date, multiplier, payout_tx, score, token_amount, tokenomics_version) VALUES (1269338472028573705, 'engagement', '2022-07-28', 1, null, 1, 1000, 2);
INSERT INTO minds.token_rewards (user_guid, reward_type, date, multiplier, payout_tx, score, token_amount, tokenomics_version) VALUES (1338490664446332943, 'engagement', '2022-07-28', 1, null, 1, 1000, 2);
INSERT INTO minds.token_rewards (user_guid, reward_type, date, multiplier, payout_tx, score, token_amount, tokenomics_version) VALUES (991438404115763219, 'engagement', '2022-07-28', 1, null, 1, 1000, 2);
INSERT INTO minds.token_rewards (user_guid, reward_type, date, multiplier, payout_tx, score, token_amount, tokenomics_version) VALUES (991483947709894668, 'engagement', '2022-07-28', 1, null, 1, 1000, 2);
INSERT INTO minds.token_rewards (user_guid, reward_type, date, multiplier, payout_tx, score, token_amount, tokenomics_version) VALUES (1002952989368913934, 'engagement', '2022-07-28', 1, null, 1, 1000, 2);

Then run

php cli.php Rewards sync

To check nothing went out of sync - run (and wait)

php cli.php Skale syncAllSkale --dryRun

No output means nothing is out of Sync. You can check the wallets of any individual users or the rewards distributor to see outgoing txs

Blockchain Transactions Event Stream

Fire a bunch of transactions first, then run:

php /var/www/Minds/engine/cli.php EventStreams --subscription=Core\\Blockchain\\Skale\\EventStreams\\SkaleBalanceCheckEventStreamsSubscription

Note the rewards sync job we DOES NOT WAIT FOR CONFIRMATION so if this job is running as that runs, it WILL show a balance discrepancy - wait 10 seconds after a tx before running.

Deployment Considerations

To discuss in more depth.

  • Config values need to be set up.
  • Cronjob needs deploying for the balance sync job.
  • Users will need to be decided/set up
  • A sufficient supply of tokens and sFuel will need to be sent to the users configured for:
    • balance_sync_user_guid - Needs to be able to sync the entire network worth of offchain tokens.
    • sfuel_distributor_user_guid - Needs to have enough sFuel to distribute when requested by all custodial user wallets.
    • boost_escrow_user_guid - Needs enough balance to cover existing boosts in queue .
    • withdrawal_escrow_user_guid - Needs enough balance to cover existing withdrawals in the queue.
    • rewards_distributor_user_guid - Needs enough balance to cover Rewards
  • Alter Cassandra table (do we want to alter views too?).
  • Bootstapping development env docs should be followed as it's more or less the same process for production.
  • When the balance sync job will need to be run - it is going to take a significant amount of time.

Everything will need a thorough test in staging.

Regression Scope

Effects all points of the site that send offchain transactions.

  • boosts
  • boost offers
  • wire
  • withdrawals
  • purchases

Platform Affected (web, mobile, etc)


Developer Testing Completed

Unit and manual

Screenshots / Screen Recording

Pre front-end changes and wait for confirmation for escrow
Post front-end changes and wait for confirmation for escrow

Does this impact

  • Localization
  • Dark/light mode
  • Guest mode

Definition of Done Checklist

  • The Acceptance Criteria has been met
  • Code is tested: Testing includes unit/spec, E2E/automated and manual testing
  • Merge requests description has been filled out
Edited by Ben

Merge request reports