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  • Michelangelo Rodriguez's avatar
    greader-speechd.el: Option `greader-speechd-handle-server' · 8456eb5e
    Michelangelo Rodriguez authored
    This is, i hope, only a workaround while i discover the real problem
    in the interaction between speech-dispatcher, spd-say and emacs.
    The variable `greader-speechd-handle-server' enables greader to manage
    the speech-dispatcher server. This implies that if there are an
    instance of the server already running it will be killed and greader
    will start a new one with the appropriate parameters to keep
    speech-dispatcher running properly.
    At this moment, if we don't enable this option, when we use
    `greader-speechd' backend, the reading stops at the end of the first
    sentence spoken.
    I don't know why that happens, but maybe it has to do with timing
    between spd-say, the client, and speech-dispatcher.
    The reason for which i think so is that if we launch speech-dispatcher
    with the flags -s or -d and we disable the timer with -t0, things work
    properly and greader reads as usual.
    But the idea of killing an instance of a process is very very bad, so
    i hope to find another way to fix this.