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  • mhouppin's avatar
    Have the Makefile autodetect the architecture if left unspecified (#163) · 8cbc61f6
    mhouppin authored
    Additionally, drop non-GNU compiler support entirely.
    Improve compiling documentation a little bit.
    Passed non-regression STC:
    Elo   | 7.92 +- 6.24 (95%)
    SPRT  | 8.0+0.08s Threads=1 Hash=16MB
    LLR   | 2.96 (-2.94, 2.94) [-4.00, 1.00]
    Games | N: 4740 W: 1000 L: 892 D: 2848
    Penta | [67, 476, 1180, 576, 71]
    Bench: 3,740,491
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