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Optimized notations for pairs

Mehdi Bouaziz requested to merge mehdi@pairs into proto-proposal

This MR is a part of !325 (merged) by @rafoo_ containing, in this order:

  1. optimized notation for right comb pair data Pair a b c ... for Pair a (Pair b (Pair c ...))
  2. another optimized notation for right comb pair data { a; b; c; ... } for Pair a b c ...
  3. optimized notation for right comb pair types pair a b c ... for pair a (pair b (pair c ...))

This MR modifies the Michelson combs to make them more storage efficient. This also provides more readable notations for combs.

This proposal is retro-compatible with the TZIP12 standard defining FA2.

The documentation has been updated. The tests for combs have been updated to take the renaming of instructions into account. The logic of parse_data and unparse_data is a bit more complex than before, unit tests have been added for these functions on combs.

Edited by Mehdi Bouaziz

Merge request reports
