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Fix image orientation (again)

Nosegrind requested to merge nosegrind/dropzone:master into master


This is a proposal to fix bad image orientations when using exif-js, by checking if the browser is able to handle images auto rotation himself, and adapt fixOrientation param accordingly.

Issues related here : #224 , #234

Some details :

Since last updates of some browsers (2020 updates), they are now able to handle image orientation (on DOM and out of DOM if i understand well). The "from-image" value is now set by default (see here:, and the browser handles the rotation himself, if exif Orientation value is set on the image. As a result, with browsers having this new behaviour, DZ (wich checks also Orientation Exif value) rotates an image already rotated, and final orientation is not good.

Tested with Chrome (83), Edge (44), Edge Chromium (83), IE11, Firefox 77, Safari on up to date device (IOS 13.5.1), Safari on old device (IOS 12.4.3), Chrome (up to date) on Android device.

Edited by Matias Meno

Merge request reports
