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Resolve "meltano invoke target-csv - 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'full_refresh'"

In !2240 (merged) we moved the bookmark writer out of the runner to a "before invoke" hook on the target. However, this had the side effect/bug that the target would need the plugin_invoker.context to always be preset. If there was no context such as when we called the target via meltano invoke we'd encounter an exception.

This updates the target so that when calling setup_bookmark_writer, we only actually try to set up the bookmark writer if the context is populated and contains a session and job. In other cases, we'll silently noop.

Merge Request Checklist

  • Link to an issue
  • Include the proposed fix or feature
  • Include and update tests for the modified code
  • Include a documentation change
  • Add a entry in the Unreleased section for any user-facing changes
  • Mention or assign a maintainer

Closes #2893 (closed)

Edited by Florian

Merge request reports