Was just debugging meltano with a new Meltano user. They hit an exception with tap-csv, had the standard "failed while in discovery" which pointing to logs (which they found), and then they tried to run with --log-level=DEBUG but it wasn't clear where to put --log-level=DEBUG so they did something like this
@vischous - How about adding a link to a docs page with example? I would hesitate to give a sample with the full cli context unless it's something they can copy-paste.
This is probably a lot more work, but if we have access to the original CLI command we could try to construct/inject it for them - in which case then I think it become easy to read and copy-pastable.
Given that it would probably be a lot more work to inject the --log-level to the right place on their behalf, I think I'm inclined to just link to our docs with more examples/explanation of the --log-level option.
I agree about leaving CLI behavior as is and ref'ing to docs for usage.
Yeah, probably that's our best bet at this stage.
I wonder if CLI auto-completion would help
@edgarrmondragon - Good idea. I really like the idea of CLI autocompletion, and certainly willing to invest in it, but my past experience is that only power users actually know how to install the auto-complete symbols. So, for new users, I think we have to assume even if we have auto-complete available, many less technical users likely still wouldn't have access to it at the terminal.
Ways around this:
A web-based terminal could have auto-complete symbols already enabled.
A devcontainer-based approach could similarly already have auto-complete enabled out of box.
We can publish docs on how to install the symbols on Mac and/or other OSes.
Could we also update the guidance to just say or re-run the command adding the '--log-level=debug' CLI flag after 'meltano' and before your command or something like it? Not critical, but could be helpful.
Maybe just giving the first snippet with an ellipses (meltano --log-level=debug ...) is a nice balance, such as:
...or re-run the command using `meltano --log-level=debug ...`For more information on debugging and logging: https://docs.meltano.com/reference/command-line-interface#debugging
Took a quick stab at this and as I was going through I noticed that the message of
ELT could not be completed: Extractor failedFor more detailed log messages, check the generated log file '/home/visch/git/tap-clickup/.meltano/logs/elt/2022-03-02T204844--tap-clickup--target-jsonl/5507fc55-1197-4d2b-b907-c4fff397e50e/elt.log'.or re-run the command using 'meltano --log-level=debug ...' CLI flag.For more information on debugging and logging: https://docs.meltano.com/reference/command-line-interface#debugging
Seems nice, but /home/visch/git/tap-clickup/.meltano/logs/elt/2022-03-02T204844--tap-clickup--target-jsonl/5507fc55-1197-4d2b-b907-c4fff397e50e/elt.log doesn't have anymore information than what is printed to console.
Ended up going with
ELT could not be completed: Extractor failed.For more detailed log messages re-run the command using 'meltano --log-level=debug ...' CLI flag.Note that you can also check the generated log file at '/home/visch/git/tap-clickup/.meltano/logs/elt/2022-03-02T205550--tap-clickup--target-jsonl/28254941-ff5c-48c3-ae4c-668875fedc1f/elt.log'.For more information on debugging and logging: https://docs.meltano.com/reference/command-line-interface#debugging