When pipeline autoruns after setting up connection, "Last Run" doesn't say "Running..." until refresh
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- Douwe Maan changed milestone to %Fri: Mar 27, 2020
changed milestone to %Fri: Mar 27, 2020
- Douwe Maan added flowTriage kindBug labels
added flowTriage kindBug labels
- Douwe Maan marked this issue as related to #1864 (closed)
marked this issue as related to #1864 (closed)
- Douwe Maan mentioned in issue #1864 (closed)
mentioned in issue #1864 (closed)
- Douwe Maan added flowTo Do label and removed flowTriage label
added flowTo Do label and removed flowTriage label
- Douwe Maan added flowDoing label and removed flowTo Do label
- Douwe Maan mentioned in merge request !1559 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !1559 (merged)
- Douwe Maan added flowReview label and removed flowDoing label
added flowReview label and removed flowDoing label
- Douwe Maan closed via merge request !1559 (merged)
closed via merge request !1559 (merged)
- Douwe Maan mentioned in commit 4e2bcdb0
mentioned in commit 4e2bcdb0
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