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Ashwin Trisal requested to merge snowve-dev into snowve
  • Lots of tooltip fixes

  • Fixed bug where Patro great musicians reset Great Patron counter

  • Moved Akkad UU to Spearmen

  • Added Switzerland from Lekmod (Thanks EAP)

  • Made Cuba read only team culture, removed free Cuba GWIs, moved Cuba GWIs to Electricity

  • Added banks to Freedom's Tier 2 policy Capitalism

  • Moved Freedom's Tier 2 Alternative Energy buildings to Replaceable parts

  • Fixed a typo causing Freedom's Tier 1 Universal Healthcare to not give the production modifier to Hospitals

  • Fixed bug where Economic Union wasn't working, buffed Economic Union internals to 10% gold (have fun kids)

  • Nerfed People's Army to 2/2

  • Moved some XML to Civ5Controls for easier hotkey editing. (Thanks ImmosS!) (I will attempt to notify when I'm updating this file, but no promises!)

Merge request reports