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Login using OpenID Connect

Kyle Pullicino requested to merge p5503/mayan-edms:features/oidc into master

In this merge request, we wish to enable the functionality for users of Mayan EDMS to login through an OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider. To achieve this we include the mozilla-django-oidc library and must then switch on that library's Authentication Backend as part of the AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS configuration option.

Using mozilla-django-oidc, we've managed to successfully connect to an OIDC provider and even have a user object created similar to how the LDAP authentication method works.

Developer's Note

Now, I'm not very familiar with Django and Mayan's way of doing things. Could the community here please provide some feedback into how this feature should be setup?


I'm including @nicholasbuttigieg and @matthew.borg.seychell.phalanx here who are also involved in this change.

Edited by Kyle Pullicino

Merge request reports