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  • Matteo's avatar
    Initial Commit · 58ec66a4
    Matteo authored
    Thei package build qt-openzwave from the head of the default upstream
    github branch.
    It depends on two other packages in the AUR
    - *openzwave-git* because the stable-release *openzwave* package lacks
      features needed for the active development of *qt-openzwave*.
    - *google-breakpad-git* for breakpad debugging support, though this
      could be patched out of the build.
    There are some inconsistencies and bugs in the upstream qt-openzwave
    build scripts which the developers [seem to be aware of](
    Notably, some dependencies (breakpad) are strictly searched relative to
    the qt-openzwave source directory instead of through pkg-config or
    tunable comand line options to qmake. This is fixed in the interim by a
    Also, the `ozwdaemon` install prefix is hard-coded. It is not possible
    under qmake to override this prefix to meet Arch's guidelines without a