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Resolve "Unit test for BaseEnsemble"

William Armando Munoz requested to merge 171-unit-test-for-baseensemble into master


Minor changes have been implemented in BaseEnsemble class regarding to some dependencies on the DataContainer and the unit test has been updated accordingly.

To be more specific DataContainer write/read works as expected in BaseEnsemble and data is being backed-up in a .dc (I hope this doesn't sucks like DC movies) file.

Coverage increased to 92% leaving untested mostly part of the code regarding a dict type Observer. Perhaps if you give a cool example of a dict observer I can include a small example of this to cover more piece of code.

Summary of changes

Take a look at:

  • BaseEnsemble init

The following test cases in the unittest for BaseEnsemble:

  • test_data_container
  • test_init_with_datacontainer_file
  • test_backup_file

Some additional changes in the unit test are:

  • test_init_without_atoms moved to test_init where test without structure is added.
  • test_acceptance_ratio
  • test that error raises in test_get_property_change

As the Saw puppet said let the game begins

Closes #171 (closed)

Merge request reports