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Rework sample, atomic-weights, subclassing Sample, output functionality in Sample

Erik Fransson requested to merge 120-add-output-functionality-to-sample into master
  • Rename sample data, coh and incoh is always used for coherent (collective) and inocherent (self) part of scattering functions
  • Add total Fqt etc to sample
  • subclass sample for dynamic and static
  • add useful sample properties
  • rework atomic-weighting with q-dependent form factors from Weights class
  • Reshape static structure factor S(q) to (Nq, 1) to make it work nicely with all post-processing functions
  • Fix bugs where static structure factor could not be spherical averaged
  • some more tests

See these notes on interface design

Closes #120 (closed)

Edited by Erik Fransson

Merge request reports