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  • Simon Tatham's avatar
    library: find tty device name of process quicker · 365cb370
    Simon Tatham authored
    The procps library attempts to work out the tty of a process
    through several methods. For things like /dev/tty123 or
    /dev/foo it works fine.
    For tty devices that put the minor number in a directory
    of the major name this fails. So then we have to fallback
    to stating things like the processes STDERR and try again.
    Considering a lot of processes sit on ttys such as
    /dev/pts/3 this is a lot of wasted time. At the point of
    entering driver_name we know "/dev/pts" and we know "3"
    we just didn't join them up the right way as this is old
    This change now looks for /dev/pts/3 as well. It does it
    after looking for /dev/pts3 so the behaviour is the same.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarCraig Small <>
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